Blender 3.5 Geo-Scatter 5.3.2 Crack 2023 Update Download
Lastest Release : Multi-Surface Scattering
Geo-Scatter 5.3 for blender 3.3+ is fresh out of the oven! We worked hard on a new revolutionary multi-surface feature that we rigorously implemented in our scattering workflow, as well as a very long list of improvementsPremium Features
There is an incredible amount of features packed in this plugin, here is a glimpse of the functionalities available here below.
As the first big scattering toolset of blender, we have developed an effective and proven system over the past years. It’s very easy! Select any objects you’d like, choose your distribution preset, then just click on “Scatter”. Who told you that Scattering was difficult? This operator now supports the new asset browser!
ID Maps
The texture pattern feature now supports multiple scatter-users per texture at the same time, influence by sampling colors has also been implemented, making this feature ideal for green-walls or flower-mats. ID maps is also a very useful way to control multiple scatters from one painting layer.
The new flexible features of Geo-Scatter can be used in many various use cases, the only limit is your imagination! For example, use the rotation snap slider to scatter hard-surface greebles on your mesh.
Geo-Scatter new “manual distribution mode” was born out of a simple idea: We wanted to create an alternative distribution workflow for artists, where users are able to paint instances like painting on a canvas, with a set of various brushes to choose from, that will add, alter or remove matter.
The Abiotic Factors are all the terrain features that can influence your scatter-system, they are essential to give credibility and realism to your virtual world. Especially if you are scattering landscapes! Elevation, slope, curvature, orientation, watershed, Geo-Scatter got everything that is needed.
The new rotation and scale settings of Geo-Scatter are complete and precise, you have total control over how your instances are scaled, rotated, aligned, or tilted. You can for example create billboard effects easily.
There are numerous new features in Geo-Scatter where the scattered instances can interact with chosen objects, for example, remove instances under a picnic table, near a building, or create the illusion of interactive collision by leaning instances near your characters.
Geo-Scatter has top-of-the-line optimization features available; remove instances out of your FOV, add distance culling effects, display your instances as placeholder only in the viewport, ect… Thanks to such features, you will be able to work with a high number of items, unlocking your artistic potential.
Achieve advanced control on how your instances are assigned to your distributed points with the instances pick method. You will be able to assign instances by rate, by cluster, color ID maps, or even by the scale attribute, to guarantee instances with physically accurate scale.
The clump distribution method of v4 has been revamped, with way more settings to influence your clump’s children scale/normal/tangent.
Create dynamic environments with scatter-layers that can influence one another. This is done by defining attraction or repulsion rules in the “ecosystem” sub menu.
The wind-wave feature will create the illusion of wind flowing in your scattered instances. Ideal if you want to add realism in your fields or grassy areas with only one click.
Our goal is really to push the limit of what’s possible, scattering-wise, in b3d. We always try to innovate new functionalities. For example, Geo-Scatter can read generated or painted flowmap information, you can use a flowmap to influence your instances tilt or tangent direction.
The Geo-Scatter workflow is highly polished, you can achieve complex set-ups with ease! For example, in this demonstration, we are dynamically distributing smaller clumps of grass near obstacles and borders, to achieve a clean lawn scatter. The .blend file of this demo is available in our manual page.
Blender Compatibility: Blender 3.3 LTS & Blender 3.4
release-notes: This relatively small update fixes a few bugs, a crash, and improves some features.
With this update also comes an important platform improvement consisting of the following:
We launched
All biomes available are now elegantly displayed within take a peek!
Change in our licensing: Our scripts are indeed released under GNU GPL, however, our geometry-node engine is released under a license similar to royalty-free, with the added benefit granting licensees the ability to freely share a scene containing the engine, and the added restriction to prohibit interaction with our nodes through scripts coming from unknown sources. Please read for the complete legal agreement. If you have questions regarding this license, don’t hesitate to reach us.
We released our free “Biome-Reader” plugin, a dumbed-down version of Geo-Scatter available for all b3d users. Users will be able to install, read, and scatter biomes freely. Biome-Reader can be downloaded for free at Please do not install both plugins simultaneously.
The old “starter library” that used to be shipped with our plugin has been improved:
We reworked most assets and textures to create a higher-quality collection of plants. It’s now standalone and rebranded as “The Plant Library”, it’s free and accessible to all blender users! Why? We do not want to sell vegetation, this library was always meant to be a demonstration of the capabilities of our plugin, and now it serves as a very good introduction to our Biome system. Checkout the differences!
The old library will now be considered as “Legacy”, rest assured it will still be available for download within the new product page. Both on the blender-market or gumroad.
The Winter and Tree assets are currently missing from this rework, we intend to update them later on.
The biomes also have been reworked, there are fewer, but they are much better in terms of quality. Compare by yourself: old biomes vs new biomes.
Both can be installed simultaneously.
improvement: You’ll no longer see “Scatter5” in the plugin name or in your collections. Please make sure to uninstall older “Scatter5” plugins first.
improvement: New notification system, a new panel will appear if context informations are needed.
improvement: better viewlayers management system, the plugin will not change viewlayers automatically, the viewlayers will stay intact per scenes.
improvement: now we have four various ways users can switch emitters in each panels headers. We added an “emitter-switch menu”.
improvement: You’ll be also able to switch emitters from the quick lister menu (CTRL+SHIFT+Q by default)
improvement: Quick scatter pie menu is back, users didn’t like the shortcut-based operator we introduced recently.
improvement: Better security behavior warnings will now let you the ability to undo default behavior.
improvement: Licenses written within the plugin preferences, & extra indication if the user is holding Individual/Team/Studio variants.
bugfix: Inaccurate rendering view states for optimization features.
bugfix: Manual mode instances disappearance.
bugfix: Camera clipping stops working.
bugfix: Bounding box security message not appearing for the biome loading operator.
bugfix: Procedural watershed mask not working.
bugfix: Keyframing vectorial values didn’t work.
bugfix: Crash on keyframes animations & other animation crashes.
bugfix: Snow animation playback even if all scatter-system(s) of your scene are hidden .
bugfix: Fixed the need to constantly reload your biome-library when opening new .blends.