Blender 3.2 Auto-Rig Pro 3.65.49 Crack July Update Download

What is Auto-Rig Pro?

Auto-Rig Pro is an addon for Blender to rig characters, retarget animations, and provide Fbx export, with presets for Unity and Unreal Engine. First developed as my own in-house rigging tool, i’ve released it a few years ago and it expanded quickly thanks to great support from the community!

The Remap feature allows retargetting of any armature action to another one, with different bone names and bone orientations, supporting imported .bvh/.fbx armatures for example. It’s universal: works with Auto-Rig Pro, Rigify, custom rigs… Define the source armature, the target armature, and the animation will retarget according to the bones names matches and bones original orientation.

It support IK feet, hands for accurate motion tracking, and an interactive offset tool to remap to different characters proportions.

Game Engine Export
Auto-Rig Pro allows export to FBX format via a dedicated module, to proven engines such as Unity or Unreal Engine.

2 export types: Universal to export the skeleton of any creatures, and Humanoid for bipeds only, with options for easy retargetting and root motion.

Support of multiple twist bones for optimal volume preservation in game engines, where dual quaternions skinning is not possible (top: single twist bone, below: 4 twist bones)

Unit conversion to initialize the scale transforms values to 1.0 in Unity and Unreal Engine
Unreal Mannequin compliant: support Mannequin bones hierarchy, bone axes conversion, bones naming for UE4/UE5
Automatic A-Pose
Support full facial rig, and advanced bones. “Twist” mode for secondary controllers, wrapped on bendy-bones for smooth curves effects, leading to 1:1 export compatibility in Fbx format

“Soft-Linking” for cheap stretchy bone effect, Fbx compliant
Actions are baked to the simplified rig
Animated shape keys (blend shapes) support
Selective/multiple action export
Root motion support



Version: Support for Blender 3.2, the proxy attribute has been removed
Remap: Multiple animation retargetting
Remap: New “Fake User” setting to keep the remapped action even if not used. Always enabled when retargetting multiple animations
Remap: New modes for IK poles: “Absolute”, “Relative:Target”, “Relative:Chain”. So far it was always set to absolute, which means evaluating the true IK pole vector (which could lead to IK flipping in case of straight angles) unless “Auto-Pole” was checked, which is the equivalent of “Relative:Target”. The new “Relative:Chain” mode operates as if the IK pole is a child of the first bone in the IK chain, which can lead to better results.
Remap: Improved the IK pole position
Remap: “IK World Space” setting to compute the IK positions in world space, works better if the character is spinning by 180° at some point
Remap: Added an Auto-Rig Pro preset
Rig: New teeth and tongue settings for facial
Rig: New Arm Lock setting to change the FK upperarm parent space
Rig: Fingers Rot From Scale setting for the thumb
Rig: New Sticky Lips feature to keep the lips sealed when the jaw is raising
Rig: Send an error message when creating a corrective driver with 0 angle
Rig: “Snap Child Of…” now supports animation baking
Rig: Duplicating and mirroring a limb now ensures to set the same dupli ID as the original bone side (if available)
Export: Bone renaming using a custom file
Export: Support for UE5 humanoid skeletons
Export: Display the Root Motion setting for Unity as well
Export: Use original object mesh data name for export. Since it may be a breaking change for current projects, a toggle has been added in the Legacy menu for backward-compatibility
Export: New custom scripted instructions for export, using an external python script file
Smart: Presets for UE4 (4 spine bones, 1 neck, 1 twist) and UE5 skeletons (6 spine bones, 2 necks, 2 twists)
Smart: The fingers amount setting is now an int property


Version: Fixed frame range values being float types in Blender 3.1 instead of integer, leading to an error
Version: Fixed the mesh conversion error in Blender 3.1.2
Version: Fixed Fingers IK generation in Blender 3.2
Version: Now use the “enabled” attribute for constraints instead of “mute” for Blender 3.0 and later (although seems still backward-compatible)
Version: Bug with the new Blender version getter and release candidates
Rig: Duplicating facial bones was leading to incorrect bone names
Rig: Showing IK lines was not working properly if the armature object was not in the center of the world
Rig: “Set Picker Cam” broken with Blender 3.2
Rig: “Capture Facial” broken with 3.2
Rig: the third bone leg wasn’t enabled for duplication when selected
Rig: The 0-1 buttons of Shape Keys Drivers Tools couldn’t work when the driver wasn’t using an expression
Rig: Bendy-bones names with ‘_’ character wasn’t supported
Rig: “Set Picker Cam” wasn’t working when the rig was translated along the Z axis
Rig: Incorrect parent retargetting “c_root.x” > “c_root_master.x”

Remap: Throw an error if the root bone has no target
Remap: Straight IK bones chain were not fixed automatically in some cases
Remap: Retargetting while it’s already bound was not working
Remap: IK angle correction could lead to invert axes after the correction
Remap: Interactive Tweaks were not applied when loaded from preset, and internal update issue
Export: Error with UE4 legacy option
Export: Error with relative file path for bone renaming
Export: Error when exporting fingers to Unity humanoid, introduced by the new UE5 humanoid settings
Export: Fail to export animations if some bones were holding properties to drive shape keys, but exported with a different name
Export: Spline IK export was broken (renaming)
Export: Exporting with the mesh original name could lead to some .001 prefixes
Export: Correct the Fbx shader’s alpha value
Export: Root incorrect rotation since it was not initialized when baking each action 

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