Machin3tools v1.11.1 Blender 4.2 Crack 2025 Download
MACHIN3tools is a free, continuously evolving collection of blender tools and pie menus in a single customizable package.
Discuss @ blenderartists.
What’s Deus Ex? It includes the Edge Constrained Transform tool, as well as Group Gizmos and the Punch It tool.
The What’s New? and Changelog pages are a great resource to get up to speed with the latest changes. QUICK CHANGELOG BELOW FOR EASE!
Assetbrowser tools
when changing asset origin, prevent asset from jumping around by compensating for new translation offset
MaterialPicker tool
fix Windows-only issue when assigning materials from asset browser due undocumented API change affecting how paths within blend files are represented
Modes pie
without an active object, draw a message about it in the pie
Group tools
handle occasional Restricted Context exceptions
Customize tool
when customizing startup file shading, prevent exception in 4.3 due to API change
Changelog for DeusEx 1.9
MaterialPicker tool
add RIGHTMOUSE keymap
for now disabled by default, so please enable manually in addon prefs
if you use RIGHTMOUSE for the context menu, you can add a mod key in the MACHIN3tools keymap prefs for RMB-material-picking/assigning
I highly recommend you try this, IMO it’s a game changer
the tool is only active on views that show materials: MATERIAL shading, RENDERED shading, and SOLID shading IF MATERIAL is chosen as the color_type
NOTE: in SOLID shading make use of the Colorize Materials tool in the Shading pie, if all your materials show as white
the tool existing in 3 modes: PICK, ASSIGN, ASSIGN_FROM_ASSETBROWSER
which one of these are available, depends on presence of material editor, asset browser, object or face selection
for instance, without a material editor or asset browser on the workspace, but with an object selection present, the tool will invoke into ASSIGN mode automatically
with an object or face selection present, support clearing materials using X
when appending material from assetbrowser attempt to set the material’s viewport color
support assigning material from asset browser to entire object selection using ALT
as opposed to just the object the mouse is over via LEFTMOUSE
in the HUD
try to draw picked or to-be-assigned material’s color under its name, fetched from the Base Color input of the last node
in object mode list objects that are to be assigned a material and lightly draw object wires
in edit mode indicate if material is to be assigned to face selection
fix button not appearing in RENDERED viewport (even though enabled in addon prefs)
etc etc
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