Blender 4 Update UV Squares 1.15.0 Addon Download
This hugely popular addon UV Squares for the UV Editor reshapes UV selections into a grid. It respects vertical and horizontal face ratios and can stretch out any selection shape. No more manual alignment of a distorted UV Blender’s UV unwrap is far from perfect. Quite often, you end up with a distorted shape of your object and have to clean it up. This takes time and effort as you select all the vertices and re-align them via the appropriate axis, repeating this endlessly. What if you could do it with a single button push? That is what UV Squares is all about. How does it work? The process is simple and quick. Once you have unwrapped your object, the UV Square addon will turn your UV into a perfect, clean shape, respecting the geometry of your object. The distortion is gone and you are good to go!
UV Squares at a glance:
Reshape any selected UV faces (quads) to a grid of equivalent squares, or by their shape
Align sequenced vertices on an axis and make them equally distanced
Rip faces and single vertex
Join selected vertices to any closest unselected vertices
Aligning to axis
All vertices have to be ordered/sequenced by x/y value depending of X/Y axis that they are getting aligned to. Otherwise you will have swapped vertices in the result.
What script does here:
set pivot to cursor (sets it back after)
2d cursor will snap to closest vertex and the alignment will be made at that verts x/y value, depending on the axis
restrict scale to axis (recognize X or Y by the slope)
scale to 0 to where the cursor has snapped
Reshaping to grid
Works on any UV selection shape of quad faces
You can specify an active quad by making it the last selected face. If not, one face will automatically be taken
2d cursor is snapped to closest corner and is determining the direction for calculating the length of start and end of grid as well as length of one unit for square grid
Join vertices
Snaps selected vertices to closest non selected
For faces, if you want to connect islands back to their original place:
use stitch (shortcut: Alt V, while stitching press I to toggle island)
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