Unreal Engine -Horse Riding Taming Kit Complete Crack Download
Pack comes with realistic mesh with clean topology and LODs, stylized mesh, 126 animations, high resolution textures and ready code for whistle, mounting, riding, feeding.
Rise, Ground scratching, Feeding, Shrugging head, Heavy breathing, Tail wave, Look around and different idle animations.
Kick attack, Bite attacks, Hits and Deaths. Hit and idle animations for each stand type. Transitions between every stand type. Additive animations with procedural look.
Bitten, Kicked and Get up animations with root motion for Unreal Skeleton.
Detailed mouth with tongue. Physics simulation: tail (animations are included), hair, footholds, reins.
Rider part uses the Epic Skeleton in this game ready kit. Thus, mannequin can be easily replaced by any character with a similar skeleton.
Forum Link: forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?123840-Horse-Riding-and-Taming-Kit
Support email: genmindo@gmail.com
Technical Details
List of Features:
– Mounting/dismounting from both sides with smooth auto approaching to the horse (without teleporting the rider);
– Whistle to call the closest horse. Horse will auto follow the player;
– Whistle to get attention of the horse. Horse will keep direction of its head to the player;
– Mounting with throwing off the player;
– Dismounting on move;
– Animation Blueprint comprises ready states for the Jumping and Feeding cycles, and switching animations of footholds and reins with/without the rider;
– Two Character and Animation Blueprints for both the Horse and Horseman. Commented code with categorized functions;
– 8 Locomotion Blend Spaces with ready turning variations;
– Widget, Enumeration, FBX sources.
Number of Blueprints: 2
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of characters: 2
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