Blender 3.2 Scatter 5.2 Updated Crack 2022 Full Download

What’s new on Scatter 5.2?
Scatter5.2 for blender 3.2 is fresh out of the oven! We added a fancy new ‘Relax’ brush to manual mode, exciting new distribution modes, and a long list of improvements! Please read the full release note here.

The Fifth iteration is here for blender 3.0.
We completely improved every single corner of our plugin.
This is a massive remake, with solid foundations ready to stick in time for this new blender era. 

Premium Features
There is an incredible amount of features packed in this plugin, here is a glimpse of the functionalities available here below.

As the first big scattering toolset of blender, we have developed an effective and proven system over the past years. It’s very easy! Select any objects you’d like, choose your distribution preset, then just click on “Scatter”. Who told you that Scattering was difficult? This operator now support the new asset browser!

ID Maps
The texture pattern feature now supports multiple scatter-users per texture at the same time, influence by sampling colors has also been implemented, making this feature ideal for green-walls or flower-mats. ID maps is also a very useful way to control multiple scatter from one painting layer.

The new flexible features of Scatter5 can be used in many various use cases, the only limit is your imagination! For example, use the rotation snap slider to scatter hardsurface greebles on your surface. 

and much more!

Whats new in Scatter5.2
13 June 2022

Blender Compatibility:

Retro Compatibility:
Accepts scatter system(s) made with Scatter 5.0 /5.1/5.2

important note: We updated the scatter5 geometry node engine to blender 3.2.
please run the “update node-tree” operator in order to convert your scatter system(s) first.

note: There is a new biome collaboration available: Forestation by bproduction.

improvement: Manual mode has new features:

new-feature: New 2.5d “relax” brush, useful for smoothing out points positions.

new-feature: Surface move brush now supports rotation & scale operations with the mouse roll hotkey.

new-feature: New “intersect points” operator, useful to update the position of your manually distributed points on a new surface.

improvement: Manual mode now supports Vgroup’s/Vcol’s or UV’s related features. please run the “Refresh Attribute” operator in order to transfer the attributes on the scatter-object mesh first.

improvement: Like blender native behavior, the CTRL shortcut to quickly access the erase brush when using creation brushes.

improvement: Manual mode now supports custom navigation shortcuts.

improvement: More seeds options:

new-feature: The scatter-textures data, used by the pattern features, now include a random transform option based on chosen seed.

new-feature: The ‘noise’ universal features mask now includes a random transform seed slider.

new-feature: We implemented a master seed in the extra panel that has an influence on every other scatter5 seed of your blend file.
Changing this seed is a fast way to iterate on your environment design (Pro tip: you can animate this seed with the ‘#frame’ driver, and run an animation).

improvement: 3 new distribution modes:

new-feature: New “Stable deform” distribution mode. This distribution method is based on UV space and is ideal when you are actively deforming/animating your emitting surface, as the location of instances will stay stable.

new-feature: New “Volume” distribution mode.

new-feature: New “Per Edge” distribution mode. Either choose to place your instance per edges center or align the instance following the edge direction. An extra “edge length influence” feature is available in the scale category.

improvement: Wind features improvements:

improvement: The wind-wave feature is now loop-able by default, it will automatically adapt depending on your scene start/end frames.

improvement: We exposed the ‘distortion” slider of the wind-wave pattern.

improvement: The turbulence feature is now optionally loop-able, it will automatically adapt depending on your scene start/end frames.

improvement: “Per Face” distribution mode improvements:

improvement: The default tangent that stays stable even when rotating a face.

new-feature: New “face size influence” feature is available in the scale category.

new-feature: Scatter5 can automatically hide the system(s) when hiding the emitter.
This update behavior is available on the ‘Extra’ panel, it will be turned off by default.

new-feature: The placeholders now have preview icons and we added 10 new placeholder objects. This means you might need to re-select your previous placeholder object when converting a scatter system from 5.0 or 5.1.

new-feature: New “Boundary” tangent alignment feature, ideal for hard-surface scatter where instances should stay aligned according to the surface boundary edges.

new-feature: All Scatter5 properties now partially support keyframes/drivers. Be aware that blender will store this animation data depending on your scatter system list order, this is sadly a blender limitation that we cannot change.

new-feature: New “Face Preview” visibility feature. Useful when working with large emitter surfaces, as you are able to sample a preview area on the viewport and render the full area on render.

new-feature: The “Remove Near” feature now has an extra “Consider Volume” option.

improvement: The curvature/border abiotic features are now calculated in real-time.

improvement: The camera update dependencies are now set on the ‘halt’ mode by default. It is now also possible to set a custom update rate.

improvement: The collections pointer properties now have an “Add” operator to quickly create a collection containing the selected objects.

improvement: Clearly comprehend which categories of settings are being activated with the new sub panels icons.

improvement: All our modal operators now have a new info box interface to display shortcuts or other information.

improvement: The enter manual mode operator now retains the last brushes used.

improvement: Better performance when hiding scatter system(s).

improvement: A new warning message subpanel will appear when needed in the tweaking panel.

improvement: Working on multiple unique scenes is now fully supported.

improvement: Linking a scatter_obj from another file is now fully supported.

improvement: The property math operation is now also supported on other distribution modes, and on the default scale feature.

bugfix: Error message when using the draw bezier area operator from the quick scatter mode.

bugfix: Error with manual mode shortcuts. 

Downloads: pls buy & support the dev!

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Scatter 5.1 + 5.2


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