*NEW* X Particles 2.1 Crack Cinema 4D R14-R19 2020 Download

X-Particles is a full-featured particle and VFX system for CINEMA 4D. Using a unique system of Questions and Actions you get full control over your particle simulations without the need for Xpresso or Cinema 4D?s native particle system. Particles, fluids, and gaseous simulations all in one place.

Create outstanding ParticleFX from Solar Systems, FUI, Holograms and medical visualizations to abstract artwork. Multiple options to combine Emitters and Modifiers, gives you a range of possibilities.


Realistic smoke, fire and explosive simulations. You can export ExplosiaFX as a VDB volume, and any render engine that can read the VDB data can then render the volume data.


Our Liquid and Grain Solvers enable you to create stunning large and small-scale fluid simulations. From gorgeous beaches, with waves and ocean spray, to beautiful product shot splashes.


Stepping closer into the realms of fully dynamic motion design, X-Particles’ DynamicsFX offers the perfect solution to bend and shatter reality for amazing visual effects production.


Drive Cloth simulations with any Modifier, then rip it apart with the advanced tearing options. ClothFX adds a whole new dimension to motion design effects and destruction VFX shots.

How to make it work in R19 ? :
1. Copy the X-Particles R16 folder into C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R19_XXXXXXX\plugins
2. Copy the included x-particles.lib4d file into C:\Program Files\MAXON\Cinema 4D R19\library\browser

UPDATED 2023 sept 25


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