uCodeEditor Unity Internal Script Editor 1.2.4 Crack Download

uCodeEditor Unity Internal Script Editor 1.2.4 Crack Download

uCodeEditor is a lightweight code editor inside Unity Editor. It supports C# and Shaderlab with great editing features, including Syntax Highlighting, Code Complete, Auto Format etc.

uCodeEditor is built on Monaco Editor, which is the code editor powers Visual Stuido Code, you may get similar coding experiences in uCodeEditor compared with VSCode.


■ macOS: Mono >= 5.20
■ Windows: OS should be Windows 7 or later

Main Features:

■ Supports C# with many editing features powered by Omnisharp
■ Supports Shaderlab with all language features of ShaderlabVSCode
■ Markdown syntax highlighting and preview
■ Supports syntax highlighting for xml, c, c++, lua, python, object-c, swift, java, css and html
■ Coding improvements for Unity, like code snippets for Unity magic methods.
■ Supports shortcuts and color themes customization
■ Supports code minimap and code indent guides
■ Supports multiple windows

C# Supports:

■ Syntax Highlighting
■ Code Completion
■ Code Actions
■ CodeLens
■ Hover Information
■ Document Symbols
■ Signature Help
■ Formatting
■ Go To Definition
■ Find References
■ Rename
■ Diagnostics
■ Code Snippets
■ Xml Document Comments

Shaderlab Supports:

■ Syntax Highlighting
■ Code Completion
■ Hover Information
■ Document Symbols
■ Signature Help
■ Code Snippets 

Downloads: pls buy & support the dev!

Filename: uCodeEditor v1.2.4 aeblender.com.unitypackage

Recommended link below => FULL SPEED.



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